When your cats star eatting after born?

It's not "star" but "start". And the answer is:

Kittens usually start eating within a few hours of being born.

Here's a breakdown:

* First Milk (Colostrum): Immediately after birth, kittens will instinctively search for their mother's teats to drink colostrum, a special, antibody-rich milk that provides essential immunity and nutrients.

* Nursing Frequency: In the first few weeks, kittens will nurse frequently, often every 1-2 hours.

* Solid Food Introduction: Around 3-4 weeks of age, kittens will start to show interest in solid food.

* Weaning: By about 6-8 weeks, kittens will be fully weaned and eating solid food exclusively.

Important Note: It's crucial for kittens to receive colostrum from their mother. If a kitten is orphaned or unable to nurse, immediate veterinary attention is necessary to provide artificial colostrum and support.