How to Raise Bobcats on a Raw Diet

The bobcat can bear a resemblance to the familiar tabby cats which reside in many homes as pets. However, the bobcat is very different from domestic cats with a higher level of care required. They are much more aggressive, have issues with spraying to mark their dominance, need an outdoor enclosure and play rough. Bobcats prefer a raw diet. Before bringing one home, be sure to check if it is legal in your area.

Things You'll Need

  • Canned cat food
  • Beef, chicken, turkey &liver
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Calcium supplement powder
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  1. Combining Foods For Good Nutrition

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      Feed your bobcat a variety of meats such as chicken, beef, muscle meats, liver and turkey. Be sure the raw meats are fresh.

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      Add the raw meats to a good quality cat food in equal proportions and amounts. Feeding a canned cat food along with the raw meats will provide for much needed nutrition.

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      Alternate the raw meats used day to day. For one day or two you can add fresh raw hamburger meat; then the next day or two, add chicken; then add liver, muscle meats and so on.

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      Enhance the diet by adding hard boiled eggs to your cats' meal once or twice a week. Many bobcats love hard-boiled eggs.

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      Provide a daily supplement of powered calcium to the raw diet at increments of about 1/2 tsp. to each meal. Feed you cat twice daily.