The right cat food can help alleviate hairball problems. Hairballs or fur balls are an accumulation of the loose fur the cat catches on her tongue during licking. Normal, healthy conditions will allow the cat to pass the fur, but occasionally there are problems, and the cat will vomit the fur ball. With a balanced, healthy diet, shedding is minimized, thus the amount of fur a cat ingests is minimized. The number of hairballs considered normal for a cat to throw up is one to four per month. If a cat cannot pass the fur collected, health issues can include constipation, bloating, infections and retching can cause problems with the throat and stomach. For severe hairballs surgery is required. Outdoor cats do not seem to suffer as much from hairballs as indoor cats, because outdoor cats can eat grass to help with digestion.
Indoor cats tend to suffer more from hairballs. Pet food manufacturers have developed a dry food formula for hairballs. The purpose of the balance in nutrients is to enable digestion of the fur. Hairball remedies include home remedies, over-the-counter medicines and prescriptions to aide in digestion. The products are created to break up the hairball in the stomach and acts as a laxative. When you feed your cat the specialized food, the need for hairball remedies is reduced if not eliminated.
To purchase hairball food, you can go to your vet or to the local pet store. You will have a choice at the pet store of "grocery" or premium brands of cat food. Pet food manufacturers create hairball food for cats. Dry food is the most common and is available by prescription or direct from the pet store. Dry foods contain extra fiber from vegetables and grains, have a higher moisture content, and may include mineral or avocado oil, depending on the brand. Fiber is an important ingredient in cat food because it helps with the digestion and passing of hairballs.
Your cat will benefit from the use of hairball food from weaning well into adulthood. When you assist your cat with regular grooming the amount of fur ingested is minimized. Regular brushing is one way you and your cat can bond. Occasionally hairballs may still be a problem, using about a teaspoon of olive oil in your cat's food can help. A well balanced diet not only minimizes problems with hairballs by aiding digestion but minimizes shedding as well.
Not all foods are created equal. Read the ingredients to be sure you are getting a balanced diet for your cat. Supplementing your dry cat food with olive oil, canned cat food or special hairball remedy treats will go a long way toward keeping your cat's hairballs under control. Indoor cats have special needs in regards to digestion issues, search for foods that are formulated for indoor cats. Provide your indoor or outdoor cat with cat grasses occasionally as an added treat, this also helps with digestion of hairballs.
Hairball Food for Cats
All cats suffer from one common issue, hairballs or fur balls, the ingestion of fur that occurs when licking themselves. Cats preen and clean their fur by licking. The loose fur is ingested, collecting in the stomach. Fur and hair do not digest and may cause serious health problems. Because fur does not digest, a cat may experience problems passing it in the stool, thus the little surprises found on your carpet. Cat food manufacturers have formulated food to help your cat pass hairballs.