How to Sanitize a Cat Bowl

Just like the dishes people eat from, cat dishes need to be cleaned. Wet cat food hardens on the sides of the bowl and mineral deposits from hard water accumulate along the edges. A dirty food or water bowl attracts bugs. It also encourages the growth of mold and bacteria. Sanitize your cat̵7;s food and water bowls regularly as a matter of your pet̵7;s basic care.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinegar
  • Hot water
  • Antibacterial dish soap
  • Sponge or dishcloth
  • Dry cloth or paper towel
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      Mix equal parts vinegar and hot water and pour the mixture into a cat bowl with stubborn stains or mineral deposits. Allow the liquid to soak in the dish for 30 minutes. Pour out the vinegar solution.

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      Place the cat dish in the kitchen sink, add a few drops of antibacterial dish soap, and fill it with hot water.

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      Scrub the bowl with a sponge or dishcloth. Wash the outside of the dish as well as the inside. Check the dish for any food smells. If you notice any odors, wash the bowl again. Rinse the dish in clean, warm water

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      Dry the dish with a clean, dry cloth or with paper towels.