Homemade Holistic Cat Food

Finding the healthiest food for your cat can be confusing. Some cat foods on the market don't contain enough essential nutrients and can damage your cat's health. One good solution is making your own holistic cat food from home. That way, you'll know what your cat is getting, and you can give your pet the best nutrition possible.
  1. Protein and Fat

    • Protein is an essential nutrient for humans, and it's even more important for your feline friend. When making cat food at home remember that cats need five to six ounces of animal protein daily. Some good sources of protein for cats are meats and fish, of which a serving constitutes about two ounces. Eggs are also another good source of protein for your cat. All these sources also contain some fat, which is important for feline nutrition.


    • Carbohydrates give your cat energy to keep her active and enjoying life. Whatever recipe you decide on, it should include a few servings of carbohydrates, as your cat needs at least two servings daily. Some great options are green vegetables like peas or broccoli, or whole grains like oatmeal. If your cat doesn't immediately take to carbohydrates, mix them with enough meat or fish to make it palatable.

    Ask Your Vet

    • Your cat's nutritional needs may vary depending on his health, so if you're palnning on making your own holistic cat food, check with your veterinarian to insure that your cat is getting the proper nutrients for his specific needs.

    Chicken Recipe

    • Dice six ounces of boneless, skinless chicken into small pieces that can be easily chewed by a cat. Add a beaten egg and 1/2 cup of organic oatmeal grains. Add a cup of broccoli, finely chopped. Cook these ingredients in a skillet for 10 minutes. You can serve this raw if you pre-cook the chicken; do not give your cat raw meat. This should yield three servings for an average-sized cat.

    Fish Recipe

    • Chop two cans of sardines into small pieces. Mix the sardines with 1 cup of cooked whole-grain rice, 3 tbsp. of diced liver and 1/2 cup of organic peas. Again, you can cook this holistic cat food in a skillet for 10 minutes, or serve it raw (except for the liver). It all depends on your cat's preference.

    Beef Recipe

    • Dice six ounces of lean beef and mix it with a beaten egg. Add 1/2 cup each of chopped spinach and cooked organic rice. Cook the mixture in a skillet for 10 minutes or until the meat is done. This should yield two to three servings for your cat.