How to Make Organic Homemade Cat Food

Making your own cat food puts you in charge of what ingredients go into the food, therefore putting you in total control of what your cat eats. Homemade organic cat food offers your cats plenty of health benefits, such as prevention of disease due to nutritional deficiency, a balanced diet free of chemical and synthetic ingredients, and possibly a longer life for your cat. When properly prepared, homemade cat food is one way to boost your cat's overall health.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 oz. canned organic chicken
  • 1 hard-boiled organic egg (chopped)
  • 1 fish oil capsule
  • 1/8 cup pureed organic carrots
  • Feline multivitamin supplement
  • Measuring cup
  • Spoon or other stirring utensil
  • Mixing bowl
  • Lidded storage container
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    • 1

      Place the canned organic chicken and hard-boiled egg into the mixing bowl.

    • 2

      Add the pureed organic carrots to the mixing bowl.

    • 3

      Carefully empty the contents of the fish oil capsule into the mixing bowl.

    • 4

      Crush the feline multivitamin supplement tablet and add this to the mixing bowl.

    • 5

      Combine the ingredients by carefully stirring, then store in a lidded storage container. The finished cat food makes 2 servings. Keep unused portions refrigerated.