How to Feed a Feral Cat

In every city there are feral, or wild, cats running around. Many people take it upon themselves to feed these feral cats. Feral cats live in large families and need to be fed daily and usually in large quantities.


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      Set up a specific area for feeding the cats. This may require innovative construction of special feeding stations, unless you are feeding at your home, in a garage or other sheltered area.

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      Feeding should be done daily. Dry feeders need to be refilled and kept clean from debris or dirt. If you are feeding in a public place, food plates need to be cleaned or picked up each day to alleviate any complaints from neighbors. Also make sure fresh water is always available.

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      Put out any wet food you will be feeding the cats at a regular time each day such as first thing in the morning or after your evening meal.

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      Determine if there is enough food by what is left over. If there is no food left over, add more until not all of the bowls are completely cleaned. This guarantees the cats are getting their fill.

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      Keep your supply of dry food plentiful. Remember to budget for the large quantities of cat food you will need to purchase. Also consider adding cat treats to your supply of cat food, just for a change of taste for the cats.