Start with protein. In the wild cats are natural carnivores, but regardless of where they catch their next meal, their genetic makeup hasn't changed. A cat's primary need is still protein and this should be the main ingredient.
Avoid overuse of grains. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a high need for grains. Biologically they crave protein.
Know what vegetables your cat prefers. This is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Cats tend to be finicky, so try different vegetables but expect your cat to dislike some of your recipes.
Make homemade cat food that is mostly raw. It doesn't take long for a cat to learn which of those meals are high in fiber.
Give your cat time to adjust to the new menu. Cats are creatures of habit and most do not take change lightly. Once your cat is accustomed to the homemade diet, they will never look at dry food or even canned food again.
How to Make Food for Overweight Cats
Sometimes cats look like little fur balls, but more than 40 percent of cats in America are overweight. It's concerning to the parent of a loved feline to watch that waistline increase and not know what to do. Cats have specific dietary needs. Making food for your cat is one of the easiest ways to ensure they are getting exactly what their bodies need.