How Much Do I Feed My Beagle Puppy?

Beagles are among the smallest dogs included in the hunting group. Beagles are energetic and joyous; as working dogs, they hunt deer and rabbits. The litter size in beagles is between two and 14 puppies, with the average of seven. Ideally, beagle puppies should spend their first four weeks alongside their mother, who provides the necessary warmth, protection and food. After the first four weeks, you need to start feeding it.
  1. Beagle Puppy Food

    • If the beagle puppy is with its mother, you don't need to give it any food for the first four weeks, because the mother provides all the puppy needs. An orphaned beagle needs a dog milk replacement for the first four weeks. Talk to your veterinarian to recommend a suitable substitute. Cow's milk is not suitable for feeding beagle puppies, because the puppy's digestive tract may not react well to it. Starting from week four, you may introduce solid food in the puppy's diet. Gradually decrease the amount of milk replacer until you eliminate it completely. By the time it is eight weeks old, the puppy should eat solely puppy food. Don't feed regular dog food to a puppy, because puppies should have twice the energy intake of adults. Puppy food is rich in protein, containing between 25 and 30 percent protein. The food for adult beagles should contain only up to 23 percent protein, according to Columbia-Willamette Beagle Club.

    How Much Do I Feed My Puppy?

    • If the puppy gets dog milk during its first weeks, you don't need to feed it. If it is no longer with its mother, weigh your dog; feed it an amount of milk replacement that is equal to one-quarter of its weight. Modify the amount as your puppy grows. After the transition to solid puppy food, your beagle should eat a cup or a cup and a half of food. Spread out this amount over 24 hours.

    Feeding Frequency

    • Feed the beagle puppy every two hours during the first four weeks of its life. Gradually reduce the feeding frequency to six and four times a day. By the time the puppy is three months old, it should eat only twice per day. You can keep feeding your beagle twice a day for life. Don't give your beagle table scraps and avoid free-feeding it, because beagles like to eat and your dog may become obese.

    Monitor Puppy Weight

    • Monitoring the puppy's weight in the initial four weeks is important. If fed correctly, it should gain approximately 10 to 15 percent of its weight at birth every day. During the first weeks, beagle puppies may double their weight. Orphaned puppies that don't get enough food and don't develop may die.