How to Make a Puppy Burp After Feeding It

Much like a human baby, infant hand-raised puppies must receive help with feeding. After you bottle feed your puppy, you must burp it to help get rid of excess air. Burping a puppy is relatively simple and takes little time. However, you must know how to properly do it and understand that you cannot take shortcuts when caring for an animal so young.


    • 1

      Hold the puppy in an upright position. Support its bottom with one hand and its back with the other.

    • 2

      Move the puppy up and over to your shoulder. Continue supporting the bottom and back of the puppy.

    • 3

      Lay the puppy against your shoulder. Rest its head against your shoulder. Support the rest of its body with your hands.

    • 4

      Pat the back of the puppy gently with your hand. Pat just below the shoulders until you hear or feel a burp. Rub the dog's back and the sides to promote burping.

    • 5

      Burp the puppy once more to ensure no gas is left.