Is Ice Cream Harmful for Dogs?

Most dogs love ice cream. Why not give some to your panting pooch on a hot summer afternoon? Although ice cream is usually all right for dogs, you should probably not make a regular practice of feeding it to your pet. Both the kind of ice cream and the particular characteristics of your dog are factors to consider before you hand your dog that waffle cone.
  1. Chocolate

    • Chocolate contains methylxanines, chemical compounds made up of caffeine and theobromine. These chemicals can have serious effects on dogs. In small quantities, chocolate may cause excitability, thirst, frequent urination, rapid breathing, vomiting and diarrhea. In larger amounts, chocolate can induce heart tremors, seizures and even death. Small dogs are at the greatest risk. However, if the ice cream contains any chocolate at all, it is best not to give it to your dog.

    Lactose Intolerance

    • Like people, many dogs are unable to digest milk sugars, or lactose. This means that giving your dog dairy products can result in flatulence, diarrhea, upset stomach and possibly dehydration. If you notice these symptoms soon after feeding your dog ice cream or other dairy products, then your pet may be lactose intolerant. Some dogs can also be soy intolerant, so soy ice cream is not necessarily safe.

    Milk Allergies

    • Some dogs are allergic to the proteins found in milk. Unfortunately, giving your dog dairy products repeatedly can set off an allergy. One symptom of food allergies in dogs is itchy skin, with a rash on the ears, belly, feet or legs. If you see this kind of rash on your dog, then immediately stop feeding your dog ice cream and other dairy products.


    • Some dogs have diabetes and cannot metabolize sugar properly. Never give ice cream to a dog that is diabetic. As with people, eating sugar regularly and in large amounts can also contribute to obesity. For these reasons, don't make make it a regular practice of feeding ice cream to your pet.