Safe People Food for Dogs

We are all tempted at least sometimes to feed our pets, especially dogs, food intended for humans. Sometimes doing so is harmless, but it cannot be stressed enough that some foods that are fine for us can be extremely harmful to dogs. Here are a few human foods that are safe for man's best friend.
  1. Lean Meats

    • Dogs are descended from wild canines, such as wolves, that enjoy a meat-rich diet. A dog raised on raw meat might not suffer any problems from such a diet, but raw meat is not a good idea for a dog raised on kibble. Instead, feed your dog lean, thoroughly cooked meats. Get rid of whatever fat is visible on the meat, and remember to remove any small bones, as dogs can choke on them.

    Fresh Fruits

    • There are many fresh fruits that are perfectly healthy for dogs to eat. Apples, oranges, bananas and watermelons are all fruits that your dog should not have any problems digesting. Grapes, raisins, avocado and currants should be avoided. Remove any seeds, stems or leaves, however, because some can cause problems for a dog, just as they might for a human.


    • Like fruits, most vegetables are also perfectly healthy for a dog to snack on. Carrots, cucumbers, green beans and zucchini can all be safely fed to your dog. Do not feed your dog raw potatoes, onions, chives and garlic, however, though a cooked potato is fine. If you have a vegetable garden, make sure it is dog-proofed, or you may find your pets eating everything in sight once they make the association between the garden and food.

    Rice, Bread and Pasta

    • Dogs are also capable of digesting rice, breads and pastas. However, your dog may not be that interested, because plain rice, bread and pasta do not have much flavor. If you are trying to get rid of leftovers, combining a few things, like pasta with meat, may make your dog more interested. Remember, your pets have taste buds, too.