How Do I Get My Rottweiler to Eat More?

The most important feeding factors for your Rottweiler include a balanced diet, high-quality food and maintaining a healthy weight depending on your dog̵7;s health and age. Rottweilers often inherit or develop conditions that affect their weight or change ideal weight goals. Thyroid disorders cause a variety of problems, including either obesity or difficulty gaining weight. Understanding the health factors for your dog and the Rottweiler breed help determine the goal weight and food needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Olive oil (optional)
  • Eggs (optional)
  • Chicken (optional)
  • Hamburger (optional)
  • Medication (optional)
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    • 1
      Add a jar of beef or chicken baby food to your dog's food to get him to eat.

      Examine your dog to determine weight-gain needs. Ability to see the ribs easily or the backbone and hip bones indicate a need for weight gain and more or higher-calorie food.

    • 2
      The intelligence and stamina of a Rottweiler makes this an ideal breed for police work.

      Take your Rottweiler to the veterinarian for a check up to determine if its appetite issues come from any health factors, such as parasites, thyroid, gastrointestinal, medications or supplements. Ask your veterinarian how much weight she thinks your dog should gain.

    • 3
      Always feed a high-quality, name brand dog food.

      Select high-quality dog food that meets the Association of American feed Control Officials and which lists meat as the first ingredient, advises Julio E. Correa, associate professor at Alabama A&M University. Choosing a dog food with higher fat and calories permits you to feed your dog about the same quantity of food while increasing overall calories. Slowly mix approximately one part new food with three parts regular food for three days, and then slowly increase the new food percentage until the dog adjusts to avoid diarrhea or stomach problems.

    • 4
      Cooked hamburger meat, added to your dog's food, may whet his appetite.

      Add small amounts of cooked, drained hamburger meat, boiled chopped chicken or cottage cheese to the dog food to encourage eating. Try sprinkling parmesan cheese on the food to encourage the dog to eat.

    • 5
      A few teaspoons of olive oil will add healthy fat to your dog's diet.

      Add one teaspoon of olive oil to the food. Gradually increase the amount of olive oil each day until you are adding 1 tablespoon at each feeding. Olive oil adds healthy calories to the dog's diet.

    • 6
      Cooked eggs can also be added to your dog's food to get him to eat.

      Add one scrambled or boiled egg to one meal each day.

    • 7
      Your vet may be able to prescribe an appetite booster.

      Consult with your veterinarian about giving your medications to help increase appetite. Cyproheptadine, an antihistamine, works to increase appetite, according to PetsMD.