How to Cook Beef Marrow Bones for Dogs

Creating a home-cooked meal for your dog is an unmistakable way to show your dog that you care and to spoil it a little. However, veterinarian Dr. Debbye Turner does caution the CBS Early Show, that if your dog develops a taste for home-cooked meals, it may refuse to eat anything but that. Occasional home cooked meals are a wise choice and beef marrow bones, the big meaty bones used most often for canine cuisine, are a suitable ingredient for such meals. Cook the bones to give flavor to your homemade dishes.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 large Carrots
  • 3 cups Spinach
  • 4 stalks Zucchini
  • 4 Squash
  • Cutting board
  • Sharp knife
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 beef marrow bones
  • Large cooking pot
  • Tongs
  • Long handled spoon
  • Blender
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    • 1

      Cut all your vegetables into appropriately sized pieces. If you have a large dog, bigger chunks are wise. For small dogs, cut into a smaller pieces. Pour your chopped vegetable into the pot. Add your beef marrow bones and two tablespoons olive oil.

    • 2

      Pour enough filtered water into the pot to cover all the vegetables and meat bones. Ideally, the pot should be three-fourths full. Bring the pot to a boil and then turn down the heat so it just simmers for four hours.

    • 3

      Remove the bones from the soup with a pair of tongs and set them aside. Pour all the ingredients into a blender. Scrape the marrow out of the bones with a long handled spoon and spoon the marrow into the blender. Throw away the bones.

    • 4

      Blend everything together until the mixture is thick and well combined. Allow it to cool, testing it with your finger to make sure it's warm but not hot. Give large dogs two ladles of the food and small dogs one ladle.