What Fruits & Vegetables Are Good for Dogs?

Premade dog food can get expensive, costing between $30 and $40 per 40 pound bag. If your budget is small, you have the option of making your dog's food at home. Not only can homemade dog food save you money, it can be healthier for your pet. Dogs' systems are built to process large amounts of protein (meats) but they also require the vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. Adding them to your dog's food will help you provide it with a healthy, balanced diet. Before you start making your dog's meals from scratch, however, you should talk to your veterinarian for advice on how to make sure your dog gets the proper nutrition.
  1. Vegetables

    • Carrots are a good choice for dogs because they contain a range of vitamins, including A, B, C, D and K. Carrots are also rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant that aids the immune system. Green beans also contain these vitamins, with added omega-3 fats that promote a healthy heart. Broccoli, pumpkin and sweet potatoes are also good choices for dogs. Sweet potatoes and pumpkin are high in fiber and help promote a healthy immune system.


    • Pectin found in apple skins helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and fights cancer. The vitamin C and antioxidants found in apples are also good for dogs. Bananas also contain pectin and can change harmful bacteria in a dog's intestines into useful bacteria. Papayas and mangoes are other sources of vitamin C and studies have shown that they can alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs.

    Berries &Melons

    • In moderation, strawberries contain not only vitamins and minerals that are healthy for dogs, but enzymes that can help whiten teeth. Because they are sugary, however, they should not be given to dogs in large quantities. Other berries, such as cranberries and blueberries, have several health benefits. They are high in antioxidants and are good for heart and the immune system. They also help to fight cancer, a disease that affects dogs as often as humans. The lycopene found in watermelon can also help fight cancer. In addition, watermelon contains several vitamins and minerals that are good for a dog's health.

    Tomatoes and Potatoes

    • Tomatoes and potatoes are two foods that are beneficial for dogs. They should, however, be used with caution. Tomato plants and green, unripe tomatoes are poisonous for dogs as well as humans. This is because tomato plants and the unripe fruit contain atropine, a chemical used in hospitals to treat heart arrhythmias. In large quantities, atropine can cause arrhythmias in dogs. Potatoes are a healthy carbohydrate to add to any dog's diet. They are especially helpful because they are less likely to cause allergic reactions than other carbohydrates such as rice or wheat. Potatoes should always be cooked, however, as raw potatoes can be toxic to dogs.