How to Feed a Coonhound Puppy

Coonhound puppies are a large breed of robust dogs. Their genetic makeup makes them durable hunters and great athletes. Although the dietary needs of your coonhound puppy will depend on its activity level, all puppies should receive a good diet for healthy growth. A coonhound puppy has dietary needs different from those of an adult dog. Although quantity is important, the quality of food and frequency of the feeding are also very important for this breed. Various diets, including commercial brands and homemade diets, are available as choices for feeding your puppy.


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      Feed your coonhound puppy depending on the amount of daily activity and exercise that your puppy gets. To provide your puppy with lasting energy, feed it food high in protein. The best protein sources for your puppy include animal-based proteins such as chicken, chicken meal, or even eggs. In addition, make sure that your puppy's food has sufficient fat content. A coonhound's food should contain at least 20 percent fat. To ensure a healthy and shiny coat on your puppy, make sure that its food contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

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      Purchase the best quality food that your budget allows. High-quality dog food will include a protein source as one of its three primary ingredients. High-quality dog food is nutritious because it provides the necessary protein, fat and energy that the puppy requires. It is better to feed your puppy high-quality food because low-quality food contains fillers, which will pass undigested through the puppy's system. As such, your puppy will require additional quantities of food. Thus, instead of trying to save on bargain dog food, feed your puppy high-quality food as the puppy will eat less (less than the amount it would eat of the low-quality dog food) and still get the necessary amount of nutrition.

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      Arrange several small meals for your puppy instead of one large meal. Because coonhound puppies are very active, they require a high caloric daily intake. It is better for their digestion to receive small quantities of food throughout the day. The small quantity of food helps stabilize your puppy's blood sugar level throughout the day and helps control any bloating. Also, because coonhound puppies tend to eat large amounts of food very quickly, it is advisable to raise their food bowl a few inches off the ground. This prevents the puppy from swallowing large amounts of air with its food, which can cause bloating, a condition that can be life-threatening.