How to Start a Food Bank for Dogs

An unfortunate side effect of a downturn in the economy is that many people can no longer afford to take care of their pets. Financially strapped owners are often forced to choose between paying bills or feeding their dog. To relieve families of the extra cost of pet food, caring individuals can start a local food bank for dogs. Before reaching out to the public for donations, put together an information sheet, using word processing software on your computer, that explains your food bank's mission statement, contact information, donation goals and how the program will be implemented.

Things You'll Need

  • Storage bins
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  1. Donations

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      Visit all of the pet stores in the area and give the managers your information sheet. Explain the reason you started the food bank and ask for donations of dog food. Expect that the manager may not be able to provide the food immediately. Ask for the manager's contact details before leaving the establishment.

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      Decide on a date for a community pet food donation drive. Contact the station manager at local news stations and radio stations. Tell the manager that you are having a donation drive to collect dog food -- canned and dry -- for needy animals. Ask if the station can broadcast a small segment informing the public of the food bank goals and pet food donation drop-off locations.

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      Visit a large grocery store. Provide the information sheet to the manager and ask if you can set up a stand outside the store to ask for donations of dog food. Select a date, if the manager approves, and arrive at the specified time with a large stack of information sheets and several plastic bins that can be used for transporting the dog food.

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      Contact the public-relations department of pet food manufacturers and provide a synopsis of your plan. Ask if the company would be interested in donating dog food to help families who are experiencing financial hardship. Offer to place advertisements at the distribution event if the company can provide a large amount of food for donation.


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      Plan on a distribution date and method after all the donations have been collected. Determine the amount of dog food that can be given to each family in need.

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      Use the media, local websites, veterinary offices and social media to locate recipients of the donations.

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      Invite the media to the event and ask reporters to let the public know that the food bank is an ongoing effort, and that you will continue to accept donations.