How to Wean a Dog From a Crate

A crate is a safe haven for your dog as it addresses his need to have his own safe and secure refuge. However, you cannot just put him in the crate forever. Weaning your dog from the crate does not necessarily mean cutting your dog's access to the crate forever. Some dogs remain attached to the crate even after weaning while other dogs do not give a thought to the crate. Keep the crate accessible in case your dog wants to use it as his safe haven now and then. Consider crate weaning your dog when he is 10 or 12 months old, beyond the chewing stage and mature enough out of the crate.


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      Start the weaning process by putting the dog out of the crate whenever you leave home for very short periods such as five to 10 minutes. Leave the dog with a chew toy so that he can keep himself occupied for the time you are out. Return home within 10 minutes.

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      Look if the dog has done any damage in the area. Praise him if there is no damage. If the dog has done any damage, do not shout. Stay calm and greet the dog normally without using any words of praise. Put him back in the crate. Clean the room without the dog seeing you as he may take the cleaning-after-damaging task as normal behavior.

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      Reduce the time of leaving your dog uncrated by half the next time. If he does not do any damage, praise him and continue the same time period for a few days or for a week. If the dog does any damage, reduce the time you leave him uncrated by half the next time. You can leave him uncrated for as little as one to three minutes also if needed. Do this till your dog gets accustomed to being uncrated for up to 10 minutes.

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      Extend the time limit to 15 minutes for a few days. Take this up to 20, 30, 45 and so on, as he gradually gets used to the periods of being out of the crate. Crate-weaning is a gradual process with no definite time limit for achieving the results. It may take a month or even a year to wean your dog from its crate. Avoid rushing your dog as it will only make him more stressed.