Homemade Diets for Dogs With Heart Disease

When your pet is diagnosed with heart disease, whether from age, obesity or inactivity, fear of losing your dog can overwhelm you. While there are specialty dog foods on the market formulated for heart disease, they often prove expensive and often contain ingredients that are not really healthy. Instead of buying food, try making your own dog food. You will know what is in it, and you can be assured you are doing everything to extend your dog's years.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/4 lb. ground beef or other meat
  • 2 cups cooked rice or rice baby cereal
  • Meat-flavored broth
  • 2 tsp. cooking oil (vegetable, corn, or flaxseed)
  • 2 tsp. all bran cereal
  • 2 g calcium carbonate (Tums)
  • 2 tsp. dicalcium phosphate (bone meal)
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    • 1
      Restrict the salt in advanced heart disease.

      Fry 1/4 lb. of lean ground beef, ground round or turkey, until browned; do not drain the fat. Substitute any cut of beef or poultry, if desired, and bake or boil until done. Slice meat into small chunks if you use whole meat cuts.

    • 2
      Ground beef, turkey, or chicken is a good source of protein for your dog.

      Prepare 2 cups of cooked rice, boiling in meat-flavored broth if desired, or 2 cups of rice baby cereal. Substitute canned broth for water when cooking rice, or add the fat off the meat you cooked. Do not add any salt; excess sodium (salt) is hard on a dog with heart disease.

    • 3
      Commercial dog food contains additives.

      Mix the cooked rice with the cooked meat. Add a small amount of oil -- 1 to 2 tsp. depending on the fat content of the meat cooked. While fat is good in your dog's diet, excess fat is not, so use a moderate amount.

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      Feed your dog several smaller meals if it doesn't want to eat.

      Cool the meat, rice and oil mixture. Measure 2 or 3 tsp. of all bran cereal and stir into mixture if desired.

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      Moderate exercise is good for your dog's heart.

      Crush 2 g of calcium carbonate (Tums) and add to the cooled rice/meat mixture you prepared. Add 2 tsp. of dicalcium phosphate (available at a health food store, or use bone meal) and mix well.

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      Rice, potatoes, oatmeal and pasta are good sources of carbohydrates for dogs.

      Cover and refrigerate homemade dog food, either in one container or in serving-size portions. Heat until warm to serve, and supplement diet with an adult, human vitamin daily.