How to Feed a Baby Dog

Puppies need special care when they are young. Some puppies require human assistance for acquiring their food because the mother died or the puppy was given away too soon. People can bottle feed puppies like babies, and the puppies become more attached to the owners as a result. Once the puppy begins to eat puppy food, it has special food needs so it can grow strong and healthy.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet nursing bottle
  • Puppy milk replacement powder
  • Needle
  • Lighter
  • Dry puppy food
  • Moist puppy food
  • Milk
  • Water bowl
  • Bottle brush
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  1. Nursing a Very Young Puppy

    • 1

      Put two or three holes in the tip of the nipple on the pet bottle with a needle heated over a flame. Don't put too many holes or the puppy will choke.

    • 2

      Mix powdered milk formula right before you feed the puppy. Mix the formula according to the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure there aren't any lumps in the formula. Read the formula's packaging for storage instructions.

    • 3

      Heat a bowl of water in the microwave. Sit the bottle of milk in it until it is warm. Test the milk on your wrist just like a baby's milk.

    • 4

      Lay the puppy down with its stomach down on a flat surface. Squeeze the tip of the nipple so a little bit of the milk comes out. Gently push the nipple in the puppy's mouth. Squeeze the bottle gently so some of the milk comes out.

    • 5

      Feed the puppy every two to four hours during the day. Feed the puppy 2 to 4 tbsp. at each feeding. If the puppy still acts hungry, increase the amount of food. As the puppy gets older, decrease the number of feedings, but increase the amount of food at each meal.

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      Burp the puppy just like a baby. Place it against your chest, and gently tap its back until it burps. Bottles tend to cause air bubbles in puppies just like in human babies.

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      Wash bottles with a mild detergent in hot water. Clean the inside of the bottle with a bottle brush.

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      Place a small bowl of water out for the puppy. It will drink small amounts. As it gets older, increase the size of the water bowl.

    Feeding a Puppy

    • 9

      Begin feeding the puppy solid food at 3 to 4 weeks of age. Start with a little bit of dry food with water or watered-down milk poured over it. Let the food soften for about 10 minutes before you give it to the puppy. Leave the food out for about 20 minutes, and then throw it out. Let the puppy know when it is time for food. Puppies eat until they make themselves sick, so monitor their food intake. Don't leave food out all day. Feed the puppy four times a day at this age.

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      Give the puppy canned puppy food when it is 5 or 6 weeks old. Beef and chicken are the best flavors for puppies. Give it a tablespoon of canned food, but continue giving the puppy the moistened dry puppy food. Feed the puppy four times a day at this age.

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      Feed the puppy dry food at about 8 to 10 weeks old. You can leave small amounts of dry food out for the puppy to eat between meals, but limit the amount. You don't want the puppy to over eat. Give the puppy 2 tbsp. of canned food at each meal with the dry food. Feed the puppy three times a day at this age.

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      Feed the puppy two times a day once it is 10 weeks old. Give it a mixture of 1/2 canned food and dry food, so its food meets all of its dietary requirements. Check the instructions on the dry food for the amount needed for the size of the puppy.

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      Place a bowl of water out for the puppy, and check it often. If the puppy empties the water several times a day, use a bigger bowl.