Brown Rice
A great source of fiber, brown rice that has been boiled and left to cool is makes a great alternative to stock pet food grain. A good canine diet contains around 50 percent grain, and brown rice is a great low-fat, high-fiber choice.
Raw or cooked, broccoli is rich in iron and dogs love the taste. The best way to serve broccoli to a dog is to wash it first, gently steam it to soften it, and then mash it up with your dog's other food.
Carrots are great for dogs. According to the veterinarian Dr. James Glover, a raw, crunchy carrot is a healthy alternative to a dog chew and provides great friction for teeth cleaning. Carrots are a good source of Vitamin A, fiber and antioxidants. You can cook them and mash them up in your dog's food or you can even use sliced carrots as a reward when training.
Olive Oil
This is a must-have ingredient for any self respecting cook, but its also a great dietary supplement for dogs. A teaspoon of olive oil mixed in with your dog's dinner is an excellent way to deliver healthy fats. Dogs with a dull coat can benefit from a little olive oil, as it adds luster to their fur.
Oily Fish
You need to be careful when feeding fish to your dog, as the small bones can get stuck in your dog's throat and pose a choking risk. But once you're sure that you've removed all of the bones, oily fish such as salmon is a great addition to dog's diet. It's best to feed fish to dogs in moderation. Even for humans, too much fish is unhealthy.
Lean Meat
Dogs love meat, and lean meat and poultry is a great source of protein. The great thing about lean meat is that dogs will quite happily feast on the trimmings, leftovers and table scraps that you and your family don't want to eat. Be very careful when feeding chicken to your dog, as the small bones can pose a choking hazard. Fatty meat and game such as lamb or venison are fine as a rare treat but should not be a regular part of your dog's diet.
List of Safe People Foods for Dogs
Dogs are omnivores and have relatively robust digestive systems. They can handle rancid meat, offal, fur and feathers quite easily. We all like to give our dogs table scraps now and then, but certain human foods are off the menu. Chocolate, raisins and grapes are the three most well-known people foods that are unhealthy for dogs. However, there are some human foods that are not detrimental to canine health.