How to Stop Food Aggression Between Two Dogs

Dog aggression over food can be dangerous, leading to dog and human injuries. Therefore, prevent aggressive behavior immediately. While various causes of food aggression exist, the behavior is primarily instinct driven. Dogs, like their wolf ancestors, have hierarchical social orders, in which there is a leader (the alpha-dog) and followers---other dogs in the household. The alpha dog expects to get his way, including being fed first. If humans don't abide by the canine social structure, which is determined by dogs not the owners, then dogs may exhibit aggressive behavior, especially over food.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog food bowls
  • Dog food
  • Separate locations or dog gate
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    • 1
      Alpha dogs stand with their chest forward, head held high and tail upright.

      Identify the alpha dog and give food to it first. The alpha dog usually will exhibit one or more of these behaviors:

      • Mount the other dog

      • Steal or guard food and toys

      • Take the prime sleeping area

      • Push ahead of the other dog when entering a room

      • Challenge the other dog, and get it to roll over and expose its belly

      • Walk/stand with a dominant posture: head held high and tail upright

    • 2

      Separate the dogs during feeding time by using a sturdy pet gate or by putting them in different rooms---especially for large dogs. Or feed one dog outside and one dog inside of the house.

    • 3
      Feed dogs at approximately the same time every day.

      Establish a feeding schedule, such as twice per day, so the dogs get used to a set meal time. Remove their food bowls after five to 10 minutes. Do not leave their food out all day; it encourages aggression and competition for the food.

    • 4

      Mix dog food with something tasty so they will eat immediately (ask your veterinarian first to find out which foods are appropriate). Wean the dogs off the tasty food once they are used to eating at specific times.

    • 5
      Reinforce good behavior.

      Reward positive behavior. Tell them they are good dogs, pet them and/or give them a treat immediately after they have eaten without fighting.