How to Put Weight on a Pit Bull

Pit bulls are natural athletes. They are one of the most muscular, strongest dog breeds. Just like a human being that is naturally athletic, it does not take much work to put weight and muscle on a pit bull. Pit bulls are full of energy and love playing and exercising, which is basically all it takes, along with a healthy diet, to put weight on them. You do not need to make your pit bull lug around heavy weights and chains to make them heavier and stronger.


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      Walk and play with your pit bull. Natural exercises are the best and safest way to put muscle on your pit bull. Walk your pit bull for 10 to 20 minutes a day, go on short jogs with it and play with the dog in the yard.

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      Strap a weight pull harness on your pit bull. Attach 3 to 5 lb. weights to the harness and have your dog drag them across the yard. Wait until your pit bull is at least 18 to 24 months old before doing this.

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      Feed your pit bull high-quality, high-protein dog food. Pit bulls need a proper diet to gain weight just like any other kind of athlete. Only buy your dog food that is fortified with nutrients, calcium, and protein. Ask a salesperson for assistance when you are at the pet store if you are not sure which food to buy.