How to Feed a Skinny Min Pin Dog

Miniature Doberman pinschers, or min pins, are naturally thin. To keep yours from gaining too much weight, monitor his daily food intake, and never feed him table scraps. According to the Miniature Pinscher website, the most your min pin should weigh is 11 pounds. Select a dog food formulated for small dogs, which will contain the nutrients your dog needs to maintain his proper weight. Regular exercise will also keep your min pin's weight under control.


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      Take your min pin to your vet to be weighed. Ask your vet if your dog is the proper weight for his height and build.

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      Read the weight guide on the back of the dog food bag for the exact amount of food your dog should eat every day.

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      Measure the amount of food into a cup and pour it into a bowl. Do not feed more than the suggested amount.