The Best Lamb & Rice Food for a Shih Tzu

If you own a shih tzu, you've probably discovered that your dog has a very happy temperament and is affectionate. He loves comfort. You might have also discovered that short snouts cause shih tzus to have some trouble breathing.This becomes a problem when she exerts herself. One way to combat this problem is by keeping your pet at a healthy weight. A good diet is an effective tool for that purpose, and a lamb and rice diet can be good.
  1. Risks

    • Before you think about putting your dog on a lamb and rice diet, you should understand the risks. The first consideration is the limitation of lamb and rice diets. Many dog owners think a diet of strictly lamb and rice is healthy for dogs. It was typically fed as an isolation diet for dogs with allergies with gradual additions made. A strictly lamb and rice diet can cause taurine deficiency.


    • The best lamb and rice food for your shih tzu is homemade. Typically boiling meats allows you to skim any fat off the top. Too much fat in your pet's diet can cause digestion problems. Brown rice is recommended, but white rice can be used. When making your own dog food, it's best to add a multi-vitamin supplement. Ask your veterinarian which one is best and make sure it includes taurine.

    Raw Diet

    • Another option is a raw diet. You can consult with your veterinarian on the particulars if you plan to do this yourself. Raw diets for dogs have precedence in nature because that's what your dog's ancestors ate in the wild. You can put this together yourself or buy pre-mixed raw diets at most pet stores. Remember when making your own mix that it should include organ meat and ground bones.


    • If you don't have the time to cook your own dog food or the inclination to feed raw, canned foods are one option. There are a lot of good brands on the market, but there are a couple things to keep in mind. Look for dog foods that have a protein (in this case, preferably lamb) listed as the first ingredient. You also want a food that has more than one protein source.

    Dry Foods

    • Dry foods are another good option. They have an advantage over canned because they help to clean your shih tzu's teeth. Just like with the canned foods, though, look for a food that lists lamb as the first ingredient. Look for a second protein, too. If it's the second ingredient in the list, that's even better. Try to avoid foods that rely on corn or wheat because they are used as filler.