How to Stop a Dog's Feeding Frenzy

Every time you feed your dog, it might look like a feeding frenzy. Some dogs have a tendency of eating far too much too fast. This is a common problem with puppies or dogs that have previously been abused and left without food. Your dog may be paranoid that someone is going to take its food away, so he eats as quickly as possible. It's not necessary to psychoanalyze your dog to stop his feeding frenzies. Just a few simple techniques should do the trick.


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      Don't leave food out for your dog at all times. Make sure you regulate its food intake. Your dog should have a set amount of meals that you give him at certain times of the day.

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      Feed your dog smaller meals, and feed him more often throughout the day. Instead of feeding him two large meals, change his feeding schedule to four smaller meals.

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      Feed your dog in a quiet place where there's not a lot of commotion or noise. If your dog is paranoid or has been abused, then you should take steps to ensure he stays calm and feels safe while eating.

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      Try a food bowl that's made for dogs who eat too quickly. You can purchase one of these bowls at a pet supply store; they commonly have multiple sections, which make it more difficult for your dog to get to the food. This helps him eat at a slower pace.

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      Consult your veterinarian. If the problem persists or if your dog frequently vomits after eating, there may be a medical cause, and you should talk with your veterinarian.