About Canine Raw Food Diets

Many dog owners choose canine raw food diets for various reasons, including purported health benefits and to save money. Canine raw food diets closely resemble those of dogs living in the wild. And raw diet proponents say that because dogs' digestive systems are identical to their wild ancestors, the raw diet provides optimal health.
  1. Features

    • The canine raw food diet includes a range of raw meaty bones, whole carcasses, raw eggs in their shells and organ meat. Food items include chicken, beef, pork and whole fish. Canine raw food diets include no commercial dog food or grains. Grains are prevalent in commercial foods, but according to Raw Learning, grains are the most common allergens in dog foods, and dogs cannot digest grains. Some pre-packaged raw foods exist but aren't recommended, according to Raw Learning.


    • The benefits of raw diets are numerous, says Raw Learning. Dogs smell better, their teeth are cleaner, and owners save money. (The raw diet can be less expensive than commercial food, and vet bills are lower because of better health.) Owners who have switched their dogs to raw food diets have noticed various positive outcomes, according to Raw Learning. These include more energy in their dogs, fewer allergies, less arthritis and fewer issues with weight management.


    • People considering raw canine diets have many questions. For example, they wonder whether it is harmful for their dogs to eat bones or whether the bacteria in raw food can harm their pets. Raw Learning says these issues are not cause for concern. Puppies and adults can eat the same foods on the raw diet, unlike commercial foods, which come in a wide variety for different ages of dogs.

    Varying Opinions

    • There are mixed opinions about the raw canine diet. Dogs are carnivores and do not need fruits or vegetables, according to Raw Learning. Other raw diet proponents believe that dogs can eat these foods. According to Dog Channel, some veterinarians do not advocate the raw canine diet, in part because of issues such as bacterial ingestion.

    Sources and Prices

    • Dog owners can buy food for the raw canine diet at a few places, including the local butcher or food processor. According to Raw Learning, food items that are considered waste, such as chicken necks, are foods that fit well with the raw canine diet. Plus, prices can be quite low.