A Dog Diet With Carrots

Dogs love sweet and crunchy treats. For that reason, carrots can be healthy alternatives to other, high-calorie snacks that add inches to their waistlines, even as they satisfy cravings. In addition, carrots can help dogs lose weight and have sparkling clean teeth, when carrots are a regular part of their diet.
  1. Weight Loss

    • Raw carrots can be used as a substitute for part of a dog's regular food ration, in order to promote weight loss. According to the Partnership for Animal Welfare, carrots are "rich in vitamins," so they provide nutritional value for low caloric cost. Combined with cucumbers, carrots can aid in maintaining a healthy liver. Carrots can also provide extra roughage in a dog's diet.

    Low Calorie Treats

    • Carrots appeal to a dog's sweet tooth. Not only are they appealing, but they also provide an excellent substitute for regular dog treats in geriatric and overweight dogs. The size of the carrot treat should be appropriate to the dog. That is, it should be large enough or small enough so that the dog can't choke while swallowing it.

    High Fiber Diet for Diabetic Dogs

    • A high fiber diet can benefit dogs with diabetes mellitus, in that it "helps slow glucose absorption from the intestine (creating) a more stable blood sugar during the day" and improving day-to-day diabetes management, according to Tracie Hotchner, author of "The Dog Bible." Even a superior kibble will need a boost to bring it up to the 20 g of fiber per 400 calories required for a diet to be considered high calorie. Carrots contain soluble fiber, making them a valuable part of a high fiber diet.

    Clean Teeth and Fresh Breath

    • Like human beings, dogs benefit greatly from having clean teeth. According to VetInfo.com, "vegetables such as carrots or radishes have dental benefits, as they have a rough texture, which can clean the dog's teeth and eliminate the plaque and other food residue." Removing plaque and residue from the dog's teeth can not only improve their appearance, but it can also prevent decay and infection, along with the pain and foul odors that accompany them.

    Baked Treats

    • Dogs love baked goods and, fortunately, ground or grated carrots can make these treats better for them by providing natural sweetness and the additional fiber found in their intact form. Many dog treat recipes, such as those for cookies and muffins that include carrots, can be found in cookbooks or on the Internet. Many of these treats are simple to make--and dogs really appreciate the fresh cookies that are made just for them.