How to Feed a Finicky Dog

Dinner time can be a worrisome experience if you can't convince your dog to eat. In some circumstances, your dog's lack of appetite isn't a sign of something wrong; in other circumstances, you'll need to get your veterinarian involved. If your dog stops eating suddenly, a medical problem is likely, and you should consult your veterinarian. However, if your dog often skips meals or is slow about eating, it could be normal for him.

Things You'll Need

  • Canned food
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      Work out a plan with your family so that all members understand that the dog needs to eat on a schedule, and agree not to feed the dog table scraps or snacks.

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      Limit your dog's treats to training sessions only. Your dog may be filling up on treats, limiting his interest in food at mealtimes.

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      Cut down the amount of table scraps gradually over several meals. Cutting the table scraps out of your dog's diet immediately can cause him to refuse to eat altogether.

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      Mix table scraps into canned food to prevent your dog from picking out the food he wants to eat out of dry food. Continue to cut down on the amount of people food your dog receives.

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      Leave the bowl out for fifteen minutes once you've reached the point where you're putting only canned or dry dog food in your dog's bowl. Pick up whatever he doesn't eat, and don't give him more food until the next scheduled feeding time.

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      Experiment with types and brands of dog food if you don't feed your dog table scraps or many treats. He may prefer canned food, or hate the taste of one brand of food. You can also try introducing chicken broth, gravy or warm water to the food to make it more flavorful.