The Easiest Treats to Make for Dogs

You can buy several brand-named treats for your dog, but some of the ingredients may not suit your dog's diet. As an alternative, you can make dog treats at home. If you know your dog's dietary needs, you need only to keep his favorite foods on hand and mix them. That way, you will know exactly what your dog is eating and your dog will love the variety.
  1. Dog Food Biscuits

    • If your dog can eat only prescribed dog food, feeding him random dog treats may not be an option. Make dog biscuits out of his food. Put spoonfuls of wet dog food on a non-stick baking sheet, flatten the dog food and put it in the oven at 375 degrees. Bake for 1 hour. Now you have treats for your dog without straying from his prescribed diet.

    Fruity Yogurt Treats

    • Mash up fruit such as kiwis or bananas and add plain yogurt to the fruit. Scoop the fruit and yogurt mixture into ice cube trays and freeze.

    Soft Banana Strips

    • For this dog treat you will need 1 egg, 1 cup of fast cook oats, 1/2 banana, 1/3 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of flour and 1/8 cup of rice. Beat the egg in a bowl and squash the banana, then mix all the ingredients and spread evenly on a plate. To cook, place in the microwave for 3 1/2 minutes. Let cool and cut into squares.

    Beef Jerky and Chicken Strips

    • Beef jerky and dehydrated chicken are one of the easiest treats to make for dogs if you have a food dehydrator. Slice the meat thin and place in the food dehydrator for 5 to 8 hours.