How to Make a Homemade Food for Dogs With Protein Requirements

Dogs are great companions. They seem to be one of the few animals who choose to be with man over their own kind. For many, dogs are members of the family, we care for their needs with veterinarian visits, walks, baths and good food. Dogs love the same foods that humans love but despite their pleading eyes we should be careful what we feed them. Dogs have nutritional needs that must be met to avoid illness. If you want to feed your dog homemade dishes, you have to make certain that you include all of the nutrients a dog needs to thrive.

Things You'll Need

  • Food scale
  • Weight scale
  • Meat
  • Vegetables
  • Rice
  • Potato
  • Oil
  • Water
  • Mixing bowl
  • Spoon
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    • 1
      Weigh your dog

      Weigh your dog. The amount of food you feed him is dependent on his weight, not just his appetite. For instance, if your dog weighs 15 lbs, he will need to eat approximately 4.8 ounces of food per day.

    • 2
      Protein can come from beef, chicken or turkey.

      Prepare your dog food recipe with protein in mind. Proteins come from muscle and organ meats such as beef, liver or chicken. This will need to account for a minimum of 10% of the preparation. Cook the meat without seasonings and then put into a bowl.

    • 3
      Whole grains are needed.

      Add a grain component. Up to 50% of a dogs meal can come from whole grains such as rice or oatmeal. Cook the ingredients without seasonings and add to the mixing bowl.

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      Potatoes help your dog produce energy.

      Include starch from foods such as potatoes and pasta. These carbohydrates are essential for helping your dog to produce energy and should account for approximately 10% of the recipe.

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      Vegetables give your dog needed vitamins to thrive.

      Add vegetables, fat and liquid to make up the remaining 30% of the recipe in equal parts. Vegetables can includes broccoli, carrots or green peas. For the fat component, try adding vegetable oil or meat fat. Use plain water or a liquid broth to aid in mixing the ingredients together.