What to Feed Scottish Terrier Puppies

According to the Scottish Terrier Club of America, the Scottie is a generally healthy breed of dog that needs regular physical and mental stimulation in order to remain happy and well adjusted. All breeds have some specific health concerns, and the Scottish terrier is no exception. Diet is especially important to Scotties due to their propensity to suffer from allergies and diseases of the liver.
  1. Fresh is Best

    • William D. Cusick, author of "The Best Diet for a Scottish Terrier," suggests that Scottish terriers remain healthiest when they are fed diets that are similar to those found in the native environment of the breed's ancestors, because these ingredients will be familiar to the dogs' digestive systems and will be easy for them to assimilate. He advocates a home-cooked diet of fresh ingredients, emphasizing mutton, poultry, beef, potatoes, corn and wheat. The dog food can be prepared in quantity in advance, stored in the refrigerator, and served at room temperature.

      Cusick stresses that the proper diet, along with vitamin and mineral supplements, can prevent many of the skin and liver problems that plague the Scottish terrier. He estimates that any extra cost of providing a fresh-ingredient diet will be offset by a savings in vet bills and medications.

      Additionally, an article published by My Dog Breed.com emphasizes avoiding cheap commercial foods filled with soy and grains. Instead, it suggests feeding a fresh ingredient diet to reduce skin irritations and other problems for Scottish terrier puppies.

      If you cannot provide a home-cooked diet for your Scottish terrier puppy consult your veterinarian for information about the best commercial dog foods to use, and what supplements should be added to them to keep your puppy healthy and fit.

    Develop a Feeding Schedule

    • Begin your puppy's new life at home by feeding him the same food he is used to from day to day. Abrupt changes in diet can cause digestive upsets. If you wish to change his diet, introduce a small amount of the new food with the old and gradually increase the amount until he is eating the food you prefer. Along the way, watch for any digestive problems such as excessive gas or diarrhea and consult your veterinarian if there is a problem.

      Following a regular feeding schedule will help your Scottish terrier puppy develop healthy eating habits and it will also help in house training your dog.

      Establish one place where your Scottie will be fed. Offer food three times a day following a regular schedule. After 30 minutes, put the dish of food away. No snacks should be allowed between meals, only chews and toys.

      To assist with nighttime house training, once your puppy is over 12 weeks old do not feed him after 6:00 pm.