What to Feed a Bichon

Bichon frises are cute and cuddly companions that are great for a home or apartment, with one person or with a large family. It's also easy to take care of these furry, little canines. Feeding bichons can be done with some variety, depending on what type of diet you want for your adorable companion.
  1. Considerations

    • Homemade dog food is the best you can give your bichon as long as it is done properly. Fresh food allows your dog to avoid harmful additives and low quality ingredients that many commercial dog brands contain. The first step to feeding your bichon is deciding if you have the time to prepare his food at home every day.


    • If you opt to make your bichon̵7;s food at home, pay attention to the ingredients to ensure your dog is getting the best nutrition possible. Homemade dog food should have carbohydrates, protein and some vitamins to support his health. You can use a serving of meat, like beef, chicken or pork, and a serving of carbohydrates, like whole grain rice or pasta, along with vegetables such as peas, carrots and potatoes. Research online and at your library for recipes and ideas.

    Vet Help

    • Talk to your veterinarian. While standard small dogs such as bichons typically will eat servings between a cup to two cups twice a day, every dog has different requirements. Consult your vet about recipes you̵7;ve selected and he can help you adjust them based on your dog̵7;s needs. Like most breeds, bichons have their own health concerns such as heart and hip issues, cancer and cancer-related issues and sensitivity to chemicals and certain bites. Make sure your menu meets your bichon̵7;s individual needs.

    Store Bought

    • If you decide to feed your bichon commercial brand food, pay attention to the labels to find the best product for your dog̵7;s health. Make sure the product is USDA approved and closely check the ingredients. Watch out for artificial preservatives, animal byproducts and fillers such as rice, flour and corn. Head to your local pet shop and look for foods that are labeled organic or all-natural. They may be a little pricier, but they̵7;ll be best for your bichon̵7;s health.

    What Not to Feed

    • You should also know which foods not to feed your bichon, especially if you have been feeding him homemade products. Foods to avoid are chocolate, dairy, alcohol, raisins, nuts, onions and garlic. Never feed your dog anything raw. When preparing dog food at home, cook all meats at least to rare, in a skillet or on the grill.

    Tips and Warnings

    • For small dogs, homemade food can be done easily by making a large amount and freezing the leftovers.

      Homemade food is just like regular food you would eat. It has a shelf life and cannot be stored like commercial dog food. Either freeze it or prepare meals daily.

      Make sure you are monitoring your bichon's health with regular vet visits every four or five months.

      Never make drastic changes in your bichon's diet, which can cause stomach issues and vomiting.