How to Feed Chihuahua Puppies

Puppies can be very delicate and often require special treatment, including feeding instructions. A Chihuahua puppy may need stricter eating habits due to its small stature. All puppies need to be fed differently than adult dogs. By ensuring proper nutrition from the start, Chihuahua owners can rest assured that they are offering adequate food and nourishment for their puppy. Like most young pups, they will need to eat frequently.


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      Ask the breeder what type of food your puppy has been eating before you bring it home. It̵7;s important not to upset the small dog̵7;s stomach by drastically changing its eating habits on the first day. If possible, buy a small bag or a few cans of the food it has grown used to eating while at the breeder.

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      Decide what type of puppy food you want to feed your Chihuahua puppy long-term. There are various types of food for small dogs on the market today. Dry food (kibbles), wet food (cans), and semi-moist morsels. Research dog food brands. Feel free to select one or more types of food to offer regularly.

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      Make it a point to select a brand name food from a major commercial retailer, no matter what type of food you finally decide on. Brand name pet food contains the most nutrition for your puppy̵7;s needs, including key vitamins and minerals. Always use puppy food and not adult dog food. Adult dog food does not contain the necessary ingredients that growing puppies need.

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      Introduce the new food at mealtime. Place some of the original food that your puppy ate at the breeder in the bowl along with the new food. Gradually add more of your preferred brand until the puppy has adjusted to the change.

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      Adhere to the directions on the box or bag. Puppies require a very specific set of feeding directions. Chihuahua puppies will need more attention to their eating habits. Feed puppies about four times a day according to the directions given by the pet food company. It̵7;s also wise to check with your vet for feeding schedules. Once the puppy is six months old, it will be an adult dog, and will only need to eat two or three times per day.

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      Place a large bowl of water on the floor at all times. Make sure that clean and fresh water is available to your puppy every day. Although Chihuahua puppies might be very small, they still need to drink frequently throughout the day.