What Are Easily Digestible Foods for a Sick Dog?

When your precious pooch is under the weather, it is important to consult your veterinarian for advice on how to feed him during his illness. Your veterinarian may suggest some of the following easy to digest foods.
  1. Lean Meats

    • Lean meats such as cooked chicken are necessary to restore needed nutrients without further irritating the digestive tract. Ground beef can also be fed if boiled to remove the fat.

    Rice and Grains

    • Cooked rice and bland grains provide nutrients needed for sick dogs and are easily digested. Cooked oatmeal can also be used.


    • Although yogurt does not really offer any needed nutritional value to your dog's diet, it does coat and soothe the stomach when it is upset.

    Avoid Oils and Fats

    • Although dogs need certain oils and fats in their daily diet they should be avoided when dogs are sick. These items are hard to digest and can further irritate the stomach.


    • Probiotics are normal viable bacteria that are found in the digestive tract which helps to regulate digestion. Probiotics can be taken orally to replenish normal bacteria levels.

    Therapeutic Dog Foods

    • Because some dogs are more susceptible to maintenance conditions such as allergies and gastrointestinal conditions, they may benefit from presciption foods from the veterinarian formulated for their special needs.