Homemade Dog Food for Chihuahua Puppies

The Chihuahua is recognized as one of the oldest and smallest of all dog breeds. They are known for having the lengthiest life span of 15 years and being faithful pets full of energy and a high intelligence level. Chihuahuas are especially treasured because of their innate sense of devotion. If you want to ensure your Chihuahua has a healthy diet, start your puppy on a homemade dog food diet so you can control his nutrition.
  1. Commercial Dog Food

    • Commercial dog food may contain chemicals, coloring, flavoring, lubricant and texturizing agents that detract from the healthy sustenance necessary for dogs. They may cause adverse reactions for dogs that can manifest in the form of skin conditions, allergies or ear infections.

    Healthy Ingredients

    • A good alternative is to make your own dog food for your Chihuahua puppy. Dogs can subsist on most of the same foods that humans eat. Meat offers necessary protein, but it should be lean. Cooked chicken, pork, lamb, fish, deer or elk are all good choices for Chihuahuas. Be certain to discard all the skin from the bones.

      Protein in the form of milk, cheese and eggs will also make healthy meals for a Chihuahua puppy. Most vegetables are is wholesome, but do not use frozen mixed vegetables or grated carrots. Because of the low-fat and high protein and fiber levels in peas and beans, they are good choices. In addition, incorporate whole grains in the form of brown rice, oats, whole grain pasta and barley.

      Keep in mind that several foods can cause adverse reactions so never include them in your recipe for dog food. These foods include turkey, chocolate, mushrooms, grapes and peanut butter. Also, do not serve processed or fried foods or sweets to a Chihuahua.

    Making Your Own Recipe

    • These ingredients of your choice can be added together with a liquid broth for tastiness to make the perfect recipe for your Chihuahua puppy. For a well-balanced homemade dog food recipe, mix and mash together 1/3 ground cooked meat, 1/3 vegetable and 1/3 rice, pasta or potatoes, then add broth to blend well. Press the food flatly into plastic storage bags and store portions in the fridge. For amounts beyond a week's meals, store dog food in the freezer. Chihuahua puppies have big appetites, so keep extra food quickly available.

      Before implementing any type of program, discuss your pet̵7;s eating habits with your veterinarian.