How to Feed a Bulldog Puppy Baby Mush

Puppy mush is fed to bulldogs when they are being weaned off of their mother̵7;s milk. It is a way in which to prepare their gastrointestinal systems for commercial food. Bulldogs are able to begin digesting puppy mush at about three-and-a-half weeks of age. While your bulldog puppy may protest at not having the comfort of his mother as a food supplier, it is possible to convince him to eat the puppy mush.

Things You'll Need

  • High-quality puppy food
  • Blender
  • Liquid puppy replacement milk
  • Hot water
  • Large pan
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      Select the puppy formulation of the food that the dam is eating. Typically, it is best to stick with a high-quality brand of food. Bulldogs are prone to all sorts of allergies and feeding food that doesn̵7;t have quality ingredients can be a factor. All-natural, organic foods that contain fatty acids and that are free of preservatives and artificial colors or flavors, are generally the best foods to feed your bulldog.

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      Pour two cups of the puppy food into a blender, along with 12.5 ounces of a liquid puppy milk replacement. Add enough hot water so that the blender is full. Blend the food until it becomes the same consistency as human baby cereal. This amount of mush should be enough to feed six to eight bulldog puppies.

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      Place the puppy mush onto a large plate, such as a pizza pan. The puppies can all eat off the same plates and area. The bulldogs will likely walk and play through the mush

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      Hand-feed your bulldog puppy if he doesn̵7;t seem interested in the puppy mush. You can either place a small amount of food in your hand, or insert a tongue depressor that has the mush on it, into the bulldog̵7;s mouth. Because of the "jowls" that bulldogs have, it may be a little difficult to put the food into his mouth without getting it all over the puppy and yourself. Once the bulldog has tasted the mush, he will likely eat it freely by himself.