How to Feed High-Protein Dog Food to Giant Breeds

Large dog breeds are susceptible to complications that are different than those experienced by other breeds. One prevalent problem in large dogs is hip dysplasia, which is caused by the rapid growth of the puppy. When feeding a large-breed dog, keep this in mind so you don't further his condition. Dogs do not need carbohydrates; they need protein to ensure a nutritional diet. Large dogs especially need a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet.


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      Avoid feeding foods that are high in carbohydrates. Dog food makers use carbohydrates as a binding agent, but they do not add any nutritional value to the food; instead, they only add calories. For large-breed dogs, the higher calories create a weight issue that can add to hip and bone issues.

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      Increase the protein levels in the food. Dogs cannot have too much protein. Add to the protein in the food by combining it with eggs, meat and yogurt. Freeze chicken livers and give these as a treat instead of offering store-bought treats with little to no nutritional value.

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      Limit calcium in a dog's diet. Calcium is not shown to help with nutritional needs for dogs, and the calories would be better used by providing protein. Calcium has also been linked to various bone diseases in large-breed dogs.

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      Vary the protein. Varying the protein forms, such as beef and chicken, helps ensure that the dog's needs are being met. Variety also keeps the dog from getting bored with a food and not wanting to eat at all. When introducing varied foods, keep track of what you are offering in case any allergies occur.