Should I Feed a Dog in Morning or Evening?

When and how much to feed your dog depends upon the dog's age, size, fitness and activity level. It also depends upon when you will be available to take your pet outside to go to the bathroom. Adult dogs can do fine with only one feeding per day -- whether morning or evening is really dependent on your schedule. However, all dogs do better when food is divided over two meals per day and feedings are done on a regular schedule.
  1. Babies

    • When puppies are first born, the mother will take care of its feeding schedule. Puppies that remain with the mother until at least eight weeks of age often become healthier and have fewer behavioral problems than those separated at younger ages. You can begin introducing solid foods to puppies at four to six weeks. Just because they are eating on their own doesn't mean they are ready to leave the mom.


    • From six to eight weeks of age, your puppy will need to eat three to four times a day. You can feed the puppy a few hours before bedtime or before a potty break at bedtime. If the puppy doesn't go to the bathroom, it should be ready to go by morning. If you feed the puppy at breakfast, it will be ready for another potty break and meal by afternoon. At about four months, meals can be cut to two per day. This is how to schedule routine feeding and bathroom breaks.


    • Puppies can generally be switched to adult food at about one year of age. If it is necessary, you can reduce feedings to once per day, although it is best to divide meals between two servings: One in the morning and one in the evening. If you choose to only feed one meal per day, base your decision on when to feed it by determining when you will most likely be able to take your pet for a long walk six to seven hours after eating.


    • Regardless of whether you choose morning, evening or twice-a-day feedings, there are benefits to having your pet on a regular feeding and walking schedule. A schedule makes house-training your puppy much easier. Having your dog on a regular feeding schedule also helps to prevent the chance of obesity. Allowing a dog to have access to food at all times often leads to the pet packing on extra pounds, which can cause serious health issues for the animal. A regular schedule also allows you to ensure your pet is eating enough. A loss of appetite it often the first sign of illness.