When to Start Feeding Puppies Dog Food

Having a litter of puppies in your care is a large responsibility. While the mother dog will do most of the work, you still must keep an eye on her, plus the babies, to ensure that all is going well. Eventually, a time comes when the puppies, like human children, must make the switch from mother's milk--or formula if you are rearing them by hand--to solid foods. It is important to not rush them into eating solid food before their stomachs are ready to handle it.
  1. Weaning Puppies

    • Once the puppies are about three to five weeks old, their interest in nursing starts to diminish. They spend more time walking around or playing. In addition, they may begin trying to sample their mother's dog food as she is being fed. The mother may also begin trying to discourage them from nursing. Once this happens, it is time to start the process of weaning the pups.

      To begin, you will need a shallow dish and some food for them. Wet food is recommended, as it is easier for them to eat. However, if you have dry food, you can add hot water to it to make it softer Let it soak in for about five minutes. Around normal feeding time, introduce the shallow dish of food to them. Place some of the food on your finger to let them taste, then show them where the rest of the food is. Don't be discouraged if they don't immediately take to it; it will take some time to get them used to the idea of food. After about half an hour, pick the food back up and clean any messes that they may have made. The puppies may initially refuse the new food, but they will get hungry soon enough.

      You will need to repeat this process a few times a day for at least a week for best results. Once the puppies become more responsive to food, you can allow the mother to be away from the puppies more often. By eight weeks of age, the puppies should be almost exclusively on dog food. Don't rush the process, however, as it can be detrimental to both the mom and the puppies.