The Best Food for Dogs to Prevent Cancer

Dog owners value their four-legged best friends almost as much as a human family member, so when a dog gets cancer, it's like a family member getting the same diagnosis. The best way to prolong the life of your dog as well as prevent your dog from getting cancer is to make sure she is eating proper dog food.
  1. Dark Green Vegetables

    • According to See Spot Live Longer in an article by Steve Brown and Beth Taylor, dark green vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and lettuce leaves contain powerful chlorophyll that helps block the exposure to harmful carcinogens, much the same as they do in humans. See Spot Live Longer also suggests chopping these vegetable up or juicing them and feeding them to your dog a few times a week.

    Homemade Meals

    • For a while there has been an ongoing debate about homemade meals for your dog versus dry dog food. Homemade meals can go a long way in protecting your dog against cancer. The reasoning is similar to why humans should avoid fast food. Fresh, less processed food provides the most nutrients that help build the immune system and fend off diseases such as cancer. To make sure your dog gets a wealth of the proper nutrition, The Ultimate Dog Guide suggests a stew consisting of ½ meats, ¼ vegetables and ¼ carbohydrates such as rice. It also suggests serving occasional raw meat such as prepackaged raw frozen hamburger patties.

    Store-Bought Food

    • Dry dog food is admittedly cheaper and easier to feed your dog on a regular basis. The good news is that there are some good choices out there to help you prevent cancer in your four-legged friend. The most important thing when selecting dry dog food is to read the label. According to The Ultimate Dog Guide, natural dry dog foods and foods that are labeled "AAFCO guarantee" are your best bets. The Ultimate Dog Guide suggests that when you are reading dry dog food labels look for natural preservatives such as Vitamin E and C. Another thing to look for is essential fatty acids, as these are very important to preventing cancer.

      The Ultimate Dog Guide recommends avoiding dry dog foods that lists artificial flavors, artificial colors or anything that contains meal such as chicken meal. Additionally, avoid purchasing food that is expired, or is a generic or store brand.