The Best Food for Corgis

Welsh Corgis are small herding dogs that need plenty of exercise to keep their weight at a healthy level. According to Susan M. Ewing, author of "New Owner's Guide to Pembroke Welsh Corgis," this breed tends to overeat and can put on weight quickly due to their small size. In order to keep your dog healthy it is important to resist the urge to overfeed to your dog. According to Ewing, some of the healthiest food to give your dog is what you eat already. Visit your veterinarian to determine the best diet schedule for your dog.
  1. Fruits and Vegetables

    • Raw fruit and vegetables chopped up into small pieces are suitable for Corgis. According to Ewing, use fresh fruits and vegetables that are free of preservatives and chemicals. Carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, beets, green peppers and celery are all suitable vegetables for your pet. Chop them up by hand, or use a food processor to chop them up small enough for easy digestion. Do not feed your corgi onions, corn, soy products, avocados or potatoes as they are harsh on the stomach, and can lead to serious health complications. Remove the peels and seeds of fruit, and mash the fruit to prevent choking. Do not feed grapes or raisins to your dog.


    • Do not feed your corgi fatty foods, which eliminates red meat. Instead, give them chicken or turkey served over fresh brown rice. Thaw out your chicken and turkey meat before serving, and wash the meat to reduce the possibility of sickness. As an alternative to brown rice, oatmeal works just as well when included in your corgi's diet. Chicken is an excellent source of protein, which your dog needs for energy and strength. Fish is also high in protein, and can be fed to your dog without any health risks when thoroughly cooked.

    Eggs and Dairy

    • Eggs are healthy for your dog and are a source of protein and vitamin D. Eggs must be cooked before they are given to your dog for consumption. Cheese and cottage cheese are also healthy sources of protein and calcium. Give your dog limited amounts of cottage cheese and cheese to determine possible adverse reactions, and gradually increase if there are no side effects. Milk is healthy, but must be limited to 2 oz. to avoid diarrhea and other digestion issues. To cut down on the amount of saturated fat, give your dog non-fat or low-fat milk.