Forbidden Foods for Dogs

Most dogs love to eat. While most foods are safe in moderation, there are certain foods dogs must never eat. Some of the forbidden foods will cause discomfort for the dog. Other foods are very harmful to the health of the dog and may even cause death.
  1. Avocado

    • Avoid feeding avocados to a dog. A toxin in the avocado may cause heart muscle damage or inflammation of mammary glands.


    • Chocolate causes intoxication in dogs. The dark chocolate poses the worst threat. A veterinarian needs to evaluate unusual behaviors after ingesting chocolate.

    Bread Dough

    • The live yeast in bread dough will multiply and expand in the dog's stomach. The expanded stomach decreases blood flow and may cause death to tissue in the stomach.

    Grapes and Raisins

    • Grapes and raisins may cause kidney failure in dogs. Some dogs will experience no ill side effects.


    • Dogs should ingest no alcohol in any form. The effects of alcohol are stronger in dogs than in humans.

    Garlic and Onions

    • Garlic, onions and any related plants cause damage to a dog's red blood cells. All forms need to be avoided, especially powered varieties. In severe cases, the dog will require a blood transfusion.