How to Make Puppy Replacement Milk

Despite the abundance of homemade recipes for canine replacement milk, it's vital that puppy caretakers use a specially formulated commercial canine milk replacer, available at almost any pet store, when feeding their newborns. Brands like Just Born and Esbilac have the precise amount of nutrients required to sustain a young pup's life. Using any other kind of milk replacement, even milk from the fridge, can cause digestive issues and diarrhea - and could put the animal's life at risk. Proper milk replacement products are easy to prepare, and definitely worth the effort.

Things You'll Need

  • Scale
  • Commercial canine milk replacement
  • Water
  • Pot or pan
  • Nursing bottle for newborn puppies
  • Small storage container
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    • 1

      Weigh the puppy.

    • 2

      Examine the chart on the back of the milk replacement can or bottle. Find the weight of your puppy and, using the table, and determine how many ounces or tablespoons of milk replacement you'll need to use over a 24-hour period.

    • 3

      Examine the directions on the back of the replacement product's can or bottle. Determine how much water (if any) should be added to each tablespoon of liquid or powder. Mix the product and water when appropriate, stirring until smooth.

    • 4

      Fill a pot or pan one-quarter to halfway with water. Place the pot or pan on the stove burner at low heat.

    • 5

      Pour one day's worth of mixture into a nursing bottle for newborn puppies. Place the bottle into the heated water.

    • 6

      Test a small portion of the milk replacement against your wrist. The mixture should feel warm - about room temperature.

    • 7

      Use the chart on the back of the milk replacement can or bottle to determine how many servings of milk replacement the puppy will need each day. Keep unused milk replacement in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.