Raw Diet Vs. Dog Food

There is much debate over the raw foods diet. Many people believe raw food is better for dogs than commercially prepared dog food, though others believe dogs fed raw food are at risk for bacterial diseases and parasites. A raw food diet is one consisting entirely of raw meat, raw bones and raw fruits and vegetables. Some people refer to the raw food diet as the BARF diet, which stands for "bones and raw food."
  1. Raw Food Advantages

    • Those who feed dogs raw food believe they are receiving more nutrients. The diet is believed to be closer to what wild dogs eat and can help solve chronic health problems. Chewing on bones is good for dogs' dental health.

    Raw Food Disadvantages

    • Meat bought at supermarkets may be contaminated with bacteria and parasites, which domesticated dogs may be less immune to than wild dogs. Also, some believe the digestive systems of pet dogs have developed differently than that of wild dogs. Raw diets can also be expensive and require a lot of preparation.

    Commercial Dog Food Advantages

    • Dogs fed dry food may receive more consistent nutrition and servings, and it is easier to cut back on rations for overweight dogs. Dry food is also less expensive than some raw food options.

    Commercial Dog Food Disadvantages

    • Researchers are unsure how the extruding process affects the nutrition in dry dog food. Commercial dog foods also contain preservatives and additives.

    Raw Food Options

    • If you are avoiding raw food diets because of the preparation it entails, you may be interested in the prepackaged raw food options now available. These are available as frozen or dehydrated foods.