Things You'll Need
- Food dish
- Large, smooth river stones
Provide a spot away from the hustle and bustle of your home. It is vital to provide a quiet environment in which the dog can eat peacefully and quietly. A quiet room, a secluded corner or even a crate may help the dog relax and feel less compelled to eat fast.
Hand-feed your dog one kibble at a time. Some owners have also found it beneficial to spread the food on the floor in a trail so the dog will have to eat a kibble every few steps.
Add large stones that are too big to be swallowed to the dish. It may help the dog slow down while eating. However, if your dog tends to eat stones, she should be monitored carefully.
Buy a special food bowl that is made for fast eaters from online retailers or specialty stores. These bowls specifically address the issue of dealing with dogs that gulp down their food. They have special features that force the dog to eat slowly. See References for an example of one type of specialty bowl.