How to Get a Fussy Dog to Eat

Dogs are pre-programmed to eat. In the wild, a dog never knew where his next meal was coming from, so dogs ate whenever they could and whatever they could get their jaws on. If you have a fussy dog, you need to have him checked by a vet. It could be a physical problem, such as a dental or stomach problem. If he's just fussy, there may be a few things you can try.


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      Visit your local pet food supply store and bring home a variety of dog food. Many pet food stores offer small bags of commercially available dog food. Try giving your dog kibble from these different brands. You may just hit upon one that he likes.

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      Purchase some canned food in small cans. Bring home a variety of canned foods and use it to top off the kibble. Since canned foods are more expensive, get more meals out of them by only using them to mix in with the dry kibble. It will entice your dog to eat more.

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      Try chewy dry food. This is the type of food that comes in individual bags. Always look for a good, high-quality brand name dog food. Experimenting with different textures of dog food may help you find the one that your dog will eventually like.

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      Mix in some broth and make a gravy for the kibble. Try alternating cans of chicken, vegetable and beef broth. Add a little broth on top of your dog's kibble and see if this will pique his curiosity enough to try the kibble. For best results, make your own broth or purchase low-sodium broth as the commercially prepared broth can have a high sodium content.