How to Tell If a Dog Is Getting Food Aggression

Food aggression or possessiveness is a sign of dominance. Your pup or dog is showing that he is the pack leader of your home or environment. It must be stopped as soon as possible or the aggression will build, and you will have a fully grown dog that stands between you and his dish snarling, baring his teeth and potentially poised to bite. The food will not be the only issue. This dog will have won this position in his mind and will be dominant in any area he can.


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      Watch your puppy or dog to see how it acts when you place food in front of it. Food is important to the dog. A natural instinct is to guard and possess it.

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      Keep your body next to the dog. If he is looking at you out of the corner of his eye and starts chugging his food, it is important to test him further.

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      Place your hand out, extended toward his dish. Notice if he moves to block you or begins to growl.

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      Take a stick or article that will enable you to move the dish slowly away from the dog when he is eating. Check to see if he is growling, baring his teeth or looking at you with a wild look in his eyes.

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      Watch to see if the dog is guarding his toys, food or his bed. If he snaps at anyone or another dog when the person or animal gets near any of his things, he is exhibiting aggression.