How to Make Homemade Dog Food With Chicken Bones

Most dog lovers are keenly aware of the dangers that chicken bones can pose to his best friend. However, bone marrow is chock full of calcium and other nutrients. You can cook your own homemade dog food with chicken bones in such a way that the bones are rendered harmless to your pet. The tasty stew will be irresistible, and the benefits of the bone marrow will be added to your dog's diet.

Things You'll Need

  • Pressure cooker
  • Large pot with tight-fitting lid
  • Whole chicken or equal amount of chicken bones and scraps
  • 1 cup fresh diced carrots
  • 1 cup fresh green or beans
  • 1 cup fresh chopped broccoli or diced yellow or zucchini squash
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup cooked wild or brown rice
  • Airtight plastic container
  • Plastic food storage bags
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    • 1

      Cover the raw vegetables with 6 cups water in a large pot and cook them until they're tender. Drain them, reserving the vegetable broth. Set both aside.

    • 2

      Pour 4 cups of the reserved vegetable broth into the pressure cooker. Cut the chicken into parts and add them or an equal amount of chicken bones and scraps to the cooker. Add enough water to cover the contents of the cooker, if necessary.

    • 3

      Cook the chicken for about 2 hours, then test for how done it is. Check the meat and the bones by squeezing them with your fingers. The goal is for the bones to become soft and easy to squash by hand, at which time they'll be safe for your dog. Remove completely cooked chicken and bones, but leave sharp or undercooked bones in the cooker. Replace the lid and cook the remaining bones until they're soft and squishy.

    • 4

      Break all of the cooked chicken and bones into bite-size pieces by hand, checking one last time for any hard pieces of bone. Discard those. Put the cooked meat and bones into a large pot.

    • 5

      Whisk two eggs together with a cup of the reserved vegetable broth in a small mixing bowl. Stir in a cup of cooked wild or brown rice. Pour this mixture into the pot of meat and bones. Blend it thoroughly. Fold in the cooked vegetables. Cook the chicken bone dog food for 15 to 20 minutes over medium heat to thicken it, stirring often. Cool it at room temperature.

    • 6

      Ration out enough of the dog food for the following week and refrigerate it in an airtight container. Pack the remainder in plastic food storage bags, each portioned for 2 or 3 days, and freeze the chicken bone stew until needed.