How to Make Homemade Dog Food & Proportions According to Weight

Not only is it easy to make your own homemade dog food, your dog will be eating healthier and you'll feel better about your dog's health. Dogs fed on a diet of homemade dog food often require fewer visits to the vet, often exhibit more energetic behavior, and generally look and act healthier. The following recipe will make a 2-days' supply of food for a 20-lb. dog. If your dog weights more or less, or if you wish to make a larger or smaller amount, then multiply or divide according to your dog's weight.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken
  • Steak
  • Hamburger
  • Fish
  • Plastic storage container (16 oz. or larger)
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Rice
  • Pasta
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    • 1

      Weigh your dog. You will want to feed your dog 6 oz. of homemade dog food for every 10 lbs. of body weight.

    • 2

      Cook 8 oz. of chicken, steak, hamburger or fish. If using chicken or fish, be certain that you have removed all bones. Cut your meat or chicken or fish into bite-sized pieces and set aside in a plastic storage container or other sealable container. Different types of meats and fish can be combined to make 8 oz.

    • 3

      Cook 8 oz. of peas, corn, carrots or green beans, and drain the liquid. Vegetables can be mixed to create 8 oz. Add cooked vegetables to the previously prepared meat.

    • 4

      Cook 8 oz. of rice or 8 oz. of pasta. Drain pasta. Add rice or pasts to your meat (or fish) and vegetables and mix thoroughly. This is a fully balanced, nutritious meal.

    • 5

      Feed your dog 6 oz. of this mixture every day, and immediately refrigerate the rest in a sealed plastic storage container.